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UBC Toolbox: List of Modules

The UBCToolbox consists of a collection of modules which are encapsulated in bpatcher objects. The bpatcher provides you with simple controls for the module so that it can be controlled in a logical and consistent way. Version 1.01 of the Toolbox includes the following modules:

Input/Output Modules:

ambisonics8X8BPfor 8 incoming signals panned to 8 output channels
ambisonics8X4BPfor 8 incoming signals panned to 4 output channels
ambisonicsBPfor 16 incoming signals panned to 8 output channels
ambisonicsX4BPfor 16 incoming signals panned to 4 output channels
multiPan4BPfor 4 channel panning with 4 inputs
multiPan8BPfor 8 channel panning with 8 inputs
multiPan16BPfor 16 channel panning with 2 inputs
NAInterfaceBPan interface for connecting to NoteAbilityPro notation software
netReceiverBPan interface for receiving network messages from NoteAbilityPro (UDP)
netReceiverTBPan interface for receiving network messages using TCP
netReceiverOSCBPan interface for receiving network messages using udpreceive (UDP)
netReceiverOSCTypedBPan interface for receiving network messages using typed udpreceive (UDP)
netSenderBPan interface for sending network messages to NoteAbilityPro (TCP)
netSenderOSCBPan interface for sending OSC network messages using UDP
netSenderUBPan interface for sending network messages using UDP
pan4BPfor 4 channel panning with a single input
pitchTrackerBPan interface for audio and MIDI pitch tracking
pitchTrackerMIDIBPan interface for MIDI pitch tracking
recorderBPan interface for stereo recording from a patch

Player Modules:

bank12BP12a module that creates audio using an oscillator bank with changing harmonics
bank12XBP12a octophonic module that creates audio using an oscillator bank with changing harmonics
bank16XBP16a octophonic module that creates audio using an oscillator bank with changing harmonics
bank24BP24a module that creates audio using an oscillator bank with changing harmonics
bank24XBP24a octophonic module that creates audio using an oscillator bank with changing harmonics
boxcar4BP4a module that creates audio by "windowing" through samples
boxcar8BP8a module that creates audio by "windowing" through samples
boxcarBP12a module that creates audio by "windowing" through samples
clar12BP12a module that creates audio using odd partials in an oscillator bank
clar24BP24a module that creates audio using odd partials in an oscillator bank
filePlayerBP1a module that plays a collection of sound files in random order
FM8BP8a module that creates audio using Frequency Modulation
FM12BP12a module that creates audio using Frequency Modulation
FMBP16a module that creates audio using Frequency Modulation
FM24BP24a module that creates audio using Frequency Modulation
grainPlayer2BP2a module that creates audio using granulation of samples
grainPlayerBP4a module that creates audio using granulation of samples
KBP16a module that creates audio using the filtered noise impulses
K2BP16a module that creates audio using the filtered noise impulses
KS8BP8a module that creates audio using the Karplus-Strong pluck algorithm
KSBP16a module that creates audio using the Karplus-Strong pluck algorithm
megaPlayer5.1_48BP48a module that creates audio by playing back 5.1 soundfiles from the hard drive
megaPlayer48BP48a module that creates audio by playing back soundfiles from the hard drive
megaPlayer96BP96a module that creates audio by playing back soundfiles from the hard drive
megaPlayerSDTBP48a module that creates audio by playing back stereo soundfiles from the hard drive
megaPlayerX8BP48a module that creates audio by playing back soundfiles from the hard drive in 8 channels
megaPlayerX8BBP88a module that creates audio by playing back soundfiles from the hard drive in 8 channels
megaSamplerBP16a module that creates audio by playing back sound files (no voice stealing)
megaSampler24BP24a module that creates audio by playing back sound files (no voice stealing)
megaSampler36BP36a module that creates audio by playing back sound files (no voice stealing)
paf4BP4a module that creates audio using the phase-aligned formant synthesis
pafBP8a module that creates audio using the phase-aligned formant synthesis
paf16BP16a module that creates audio using the phase-aligned formant synthesis
paf24BP24a module that creates audio using the phase-aligned formant synthesis
pafX4BP16a module that creates audio using the phase-aligned formant synthesis in 4 channels
pafX8BP16a module that creates audio using the phase-aligned formant synthesis in 8 channels
sampler8BP8a module that creates audio by transposing a stored sample
samplerBP12a module that creates audio by transposing a stored sample
sampler24BP24a module that creates audio by transposing a stored sample
samplerNew8BP8a module that creates audio by transposing 4 stored stereo samples
samplerNew16BP16a module that creates audio by transposing 4 stored stereo samples
samplerNew32BP32a module that creates audio by transposing 4 stored stereo samples
samplerNew32X4BP32a module that creates audio by transposing 4 stored mono samples in 4 channels
sfPlayer12BP12a module that creates audio by playing back sound files
sfPlayerBP24a module that creates audio by playing back sound files
sfPlayer36BP36a module that creates audio by playing back sound files
sfPlayer48BP48a module that creates audio by playing back sound files
sfPlayerSTBP24a module that creates audio by playing back sound files
sfPlayerST12BP12a module that creates audio by playing back stereo sound files
sfPlayerST36BP36a module that creates audio by playing back stereo sound files
sfPlayerST48BP48a module that creates audio by playing back stereo sound files
sfPlayerX48BP48a module that creates audio by playing back mono sound files in 8 channels
vibe8BP8a module that creates audio using physical modelling of a vibraphone
vibeBP12a module that creates audio using physical modelling of a vibraphone
vSynthBPCPUa module that creates audio using FOF vocal synthesis (male formants)
vSynthFemBPCPUa module that creates audio using FOF vocal synthesis (female formants)

Effects Modules:

auBPloads an Audio Unit plugin to process incoming audio - NEW
audioUnitBPloads an Audio Unit plugin to process incoming audio - OLD (deprecated...)
chorusBPcreates a chorusing effect on incoming audio
combBP performs a comb filter on incoming audio
crossSyn2BP cross synthesizes two incoming audio signals
delayBP performs a digital delay on incoming audio
filterBP performs low-pass, high-pass, band-pass or notch filtering
filterBBP performs low-pass, high-pass, band-pass or notch filtering
flangeBP creates a flange effect on incoming audio
fShiftBP performs a 3 pitch frequency shift on incoming audio
grainStretcherBP performs delay, stretch and granulation on incoming audio
harmonizerBP harmonizes an incoming audio
reverbBP reverberates an incoming audio
ringModBP performs ring modulation on an incoming audio
spectralSweepBP performs spectral resynthesis on incoming audio
vocoderBP performs vocoding on an incoming audio
vstBP loads three vst plugins which can process incoming audio

Jitter Modules:

chromaKeyBP controls colour interaction between two video sources
crossfaderBP creates crossfades or jump-cuts between two video sources
floatWindowBP creates a user definable video window
mathBP performs math operations on video
messengerBP allows messages to be sent to other modules
motionDetectorBP detects the difference between successive video frames
videoGrabberBP accepts input from a webcam or other video input device
videoPlayBP plays and saves video in a variety of formats
writeToDiskBasicBP records and writes video to disk

Control Modules:

cMatrixBP provides a control matrix (12 X 36) for distributing messages
controlBP provides an interface for most players and effects
controlAllBP provides an interface for all players and effects
dispatchBP dispatches incoming note messages to different receivers
dispatchMIDIBP dispatches incoming note messages by MIDI channel
matrixBP provides an matrix interface for connecting modules
matrixNewBP provides a 16 X 16 matrix interface for connecting modules
matrixNew24BP provides a 24 X 24 matrix interface for connecting modules
matrixNew32BP provides a 32 X 32 matrix interface for connecting modules
mixerBP a stereo audio mixer with aux in and out
randGenBP a random note generator for testing player modules

Collections of Modules:

allControl.pat all Players and all Effects connected to a matrix and multiPan4
allControlSingle.pat all Players and all Effects connected to a matrix, multiPan4 and a control interface
allEffects.pat all Effects modules
allPlayers.pat all Player modules
allPlayers8.pat all Player modules (using smaller polyphonic versions of Players)
someEffects.pat some of the Effects modules
somePlayers8.pat some of the Player modules (using smaller polyphonic versions of Players)

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© 2025 Keith Hamel & Bob Pritchard