The Standard Features of NoteAbility Pro are:
- Complete set of standard and extended music images (including graphical versions of most images that can be placed anywhere on the page).
- A wide variety of entry methods including mouse, on-screen keyboard, MIDI step time, MIDI real time and QuickScrawl (gesture recognition).
- No limits on score size, image size, number of staves, rhythmic complexity, chord complexity, beaming, tuplet groupings, etc.
- On-screen inspector for modifying the attributes of images and altering the layout of your score.
- Selection options include shift-selection and selection across multiple pages for efficient editing of your score.
- Drag and drop TIFF or PDF graphics from a library of custom images.
- Extensive import and export options.
- Automatic part extraction.
- Playback through MIDI and/or QuickTime.
- Complete on-line help (HTML and PDF).
- Unlimited number of pages per document
- Unlimited page size (width and height)
- User-specified margins
- Up to 40 systems per page
- Up to 40 staves per system
- Up to 16 measures per system (expandable after setup)
- Standard clefs (treble, alto, tenor, bass, soprano, treble-tenor, octave-bass, percussion)
- Variable number of lines in staff (1 - 6)
- Staff type (number of lines) may change at any location
- Staff segments may be hidden at any location
- Standard key signatures
- All time signatures from 1/1 to 32/32 plus complex time signatures (eg. 1/4 + 3/8)
- Standard and custom braces on each system (including nested braces)
- Standard & custom barlines on each system
- Staff labels (right or left justified in any font & font size)
- Automatic addition of pages as needed
- Document display from 25% to 1000%
- Adjustable page size
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System & Page Formatting Specifications
- On-screen adjustment of all beat positions in all systems
- On-screen adjustment of all margins, vertical & horizontal positioning of systems, vertical position of staves, vertical
position of lyrics (relative to staff) & horizontal position of the staff labels
- Re-position page numbers (locations, font, etc.)
- Re-position measure numbers (frequency of appearance, location, font, etc.)
- Change number of systems on the page
- Change the number of measures in the system
- Change the number of staves in the system (insertion, deletion,
hiding & showing of staves)
- Change the size of any staff
- Change key signature (all staves in the system or single staves)
- Change the time signature (automatic realignment of notes)
- Change the barline type and format
- Change the brace type and format
- Change clef (15 clefs available) at any beat location within the score)
- Add partial measures (e.g. upbeat measures)
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Input Methods
- Mouse input (image drags and note sounds while the mouse is down)
- On-screen piano keyboard
- Step-time entry from MIDI keyboard
- Real-time entry from MIDI keyboard (via MIDI Recorder)
- Quickscrawl entry (gesture recognition)
- Import of MIDI files, or GUIDO files
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Audio Specifications
- Audio MIDI synthesizers and/or Quicktime
- Audio during note entry (all methods)
- Audio during single note adjustment
- Staves may be freely linked to outgoing MIDI channels
- MIDI output can be mapped to 8 different banks (each of 16 channels)
- Programmable MIDI and Quicktime drum kits
- Support for Interapplication MIDI connections
- Tempo map can be specified for the score
- Playback of individual staves
- Playback of selected notes
- Playback map allows repetitions of scores sections
- Transposition of staves on input and playback can be specified
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Music Specifications
- Complete set of standard music symbols (from double whole to =
128th notes and rests)
- Supports all accidentals (including quarter sharps and flats -
which can be set to playback through MIDI)
- Simple graphics (rectangles, circles, lines in grayscale, filled
or framed)
- Any image can be any size and any colour
- Unlimited number of voices per staff (default set at 3)
- Unlimited number of notes per chord
- Permits extreme rhythmic complexity
- Flexible beaming of notes (e.g. across staves and barlines)
- Correct placement of notes in chord clusters
- Correct placement of accidentals in chords
- Correct vertical alignment of all music images
- Correct beaming of notes (beam angle and vertical position)
- Correct system formatting according to a complex spacing
- Automatic tieing of notes which exceed the measure duration
- User can adjust the positions of accidentals, noteheads, stems, etc.
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Text Specifications
- Text can appear in any font, size, or colour and can be freely edited, copied and pasted.
- Header Text: is fixed on the page and appears on every page of your score
- Page Text: is fixed on the page
- Measure Text: adjusts to the staff and measure position
- Max Text: for encoding Max messages
- Lyrics: Are aligned to metrical positions and may have dashes and underscores connecting them to other lyrics or notes
- Figured Bass Symbols: Allows standard figured bass symbols and dashes to other figured bass symbols
- Text can be made global so that it is gathered by all parts
during part extraction
- Frames can automatically be drawn around text
- Graphics (TIFF or PDF) can be dropped into text boxes
- Individual format rulers are available for each text box
- Unlimited number of verses of lyrics (leading between verses can
be specified)
- Provides a user defineable Text Library
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Editing Facilities
- Image selection by graphical area or staff section across multiple systems and/or pages
- Cut and copy of all selected images
- Paste over, merge, and insert options
- Paste to other NoteAbility documents or other applications via pasteboard (as NoteAbility, TIFF, MIDI, Score, EPS/PDF, or GUIDO)
- Can import EPS/PDF, TIFF, MIDI, Score and GUIDO via pasteboard
- Local adjustments to the position of all images
- Adjust secondary positions of images (e.g. length of stem, arc
or slur, etc.)
- Change the point size of images (any image can be any size)
- Beam note groups (by beat or by group)
- Automatic insertion of rests
- Transpose notes by interval or key
- Shift images from one voice to another
- Flip stems of notes
- Flip direction of ties
- Add accidentals to notes
- Add and remove ties from notes
- Merge tied notes into a single note of greater duration
- Form and alter the display of tuplets (showing bracket, ratio etc.)
- Merge multiple rests into a single rest
- Add & remove articulation markings from notes
- Modify the duration of notes and rests
- Change notehead type
- Change playback velocity and duration
- Edit tie shape
- Increase the value of notes by eliminating following rests
- Reduce the duration of notes by converting to a note and a rest
- Change beam format (can contradict the rhythm values if desired)
- Change line width and type (20 line types to choose from)
- Part extraction of specified staff into a new editable document
- Undo is available for most editing operations
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MIDI Recording Specifications
- Sixteen (16) channels of MIDI recording
- Built-in metronome (supporting standard meters)
- Adjustable metronome speed
- Reads standard MIDI files
- Reads NeXT .score files
- Quantize at standard rhythmic values
- Re-quantize of recorded or imported data
- Insert into score at any location on any staves or voices
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Control Panel Specifications
- Displays the current command
- Allows selection of current tool (and corresponding cursor)
- Allows Entry Cursor to be moved by measure or beat
- Allows movement through pages
- Specifies tuplets (triplet, quintuplet or user defined)
- Indicates current measure, beat position, staff number and voice
- Indicates starting position of playback and current tempo
- Indicates last undoable operation
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File Specifications
- Unlimited number of open documents
- On-screen toolbar allows access to most panels and many editing operations
- Standard Open, Save, and Save As menu commands
- Imports .MIDI, .MID and .score files (through MIDI Recorder)
- Imports GUIDO files which can be pasted directly into an open document.
- Exports .MIDI, .score, NoteWriter (Macintosh), Max qlist, Max
explode, EPS/PDF, JPG, GIF, PICT, and GUIDO formats
- Loads and saves score templates
- Loads and saves text libraries
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Printing Specifications
- Uses a customized Page Setup panel which allows you to set reduction size, margins, paper orientation, and print location on paper.
- Prints to all compatible Mac OS-X printers.
- Saves documents in PDF or EPS format.